Monthly Archives: September 2018
Turn on the Light – 2018 Light Up The Hills Rally
In the whirlwind of the activities leading up to the rally and afterward, it seems the event can now be viewed with a clearer perspective. From the inception of this event to call Christian motorcycle ministries and riders to gather in Sturgis more than 3 years earlier, Fellowship Riders were honored to contribute in a number of ways in supporting and shaping this event as the Lord gave direction.
Asked to serve as Program Director for 2018, I had no prior experience or predetermined direction; which was in retrospect exactly what was needed. 2 days before the first planning meeting, the Lord brought the word “reset”. Over the next 6 weeks, the Lord began putting form and direction to His desire to “reset” the content and purpose of the rally for 2018 which became immediately clear when He brought the next and final word of “revival” as the goal of the next Light Up The Hills Rally.
The Lord spoke that we were to come seeking “personal righteousness before a Holy God”, to be reminded “for it is written: “Be holy because I am holy.” (1 Peter 1:16)
Over the next few months, the Lord opened and closed many doors in the process of bringing speakers with His message for us as individuals, as citizens of this nation, and as the Body of Christ. His selections were Jordan Morris of Together in the Harvest, David Barton of WallBuilders, Bob Smiley, and Pastor Michael Masambu, our dear friend from Alleluia Sanctuary of Praise in Kimilili, Kenya.
Looking back at the rally, there was evidence at every turn that the Lord’s presence was in that place, that lives were “reset” on a new path, that the Lord was worshipped and honored, that the truth of Scripture was spoken and heard, and that many left with something of eternal worth.
Ron Kidwell, President