Board Of Directors

Fellowship Riders Inc Board Of Directors

tomDuranTom Duran

El Paso, TX

[email protected]

Serving on the Board of Directors since 2013, I have been walking with the Lord since February 1996 and riding with Fellowship Riders of Calvary Chapel in Dayton, Nevada since January of 2008 when we started the ministry. The way our ministry began may be different from most. I had been riding motorcycles for about 25 years and had a close riding buddy that went to the same church. Through an unfortunate set of circumstances, he passed away and I lost the desire to ride. I parked my bike for about 8 months, until one day I was looking at it in the garage and the Lord spoke to me. He told me to use my bike for His glory. The next question was how? I had no idea how I would do that. I had been around bikers for a lot of years and knew of clubs but had never heard of motorcycle ministries. So I did what anybody in my position would do, I Googled “Christian biker”. After going through website after website, I found Fellowship Riders, and God stopped me there. We signed up, started the ministry, and trusted completely in the Lord. This year, 2015, was our 8th Annual Unity Ride. Our ministry has been an Angel Tree sponsor for the past 5 or 6 years and, through the Lord’s provision, we have served all the children in Lyon County via Prison Fellowship/Angel Tree. My wife, Lindi, and I have been married for almost 20 years and we enjoy working side-by-side in the ministry, looking forward to what the Lord has for us as we continue to move forward and grow; especially as we transition back to Calvary Chapel in Carson City, NV. We will continue to pray for our existing affiliates and those that the Lord will bring on board in the future. God Bless you all!

Grace and Peace, Tom


Mark Martin

Board Member
Redbud Baptist, Lubbock, TX

[email protected]

Hi, my name is Mark Martin. I have been riding with the Fellowship Riders in Lubbock, TX. since about the third ride they went on back in 2005. In 2007 I became the director of Fellowship Riders Lubbock and continued until 2011 when I stepped aside as director due to some family health issues. My wife LuAnn and I are active with the Lubbock group and ride when we have a chance. We have always been a ministering group here in Lubbock. We are involved in Angel Tree, Prison Ministry and Feeding the Homeless. We go and minister where ever God calls us. Satan we are not scared, For we are powered by Christ. What a great organization to be involved with, loving Jesus and riding motorcycles. It don’t get much better than that. Ron called and asked if I would consider serving on the Board of Directors and after careful thought and prayer I accepted the position. I hope to continue serving FRI as it serves the Lord Jesus Christ. I will pray for FRI and its affiliates on a regular basis and hold up in prayer our President Ron Kidwell. It is a pleasure to serve under Ron because Ron is serving our Lord and Master Jesus Christ. God Bless, Mark.


Ed BerringerEd Berringer

Board Member
Greater Johnstown Christian Fellowship, Johnstown,  PA

[email protected]

Motorcycles and I go back a long way.  At thirteen I asked my parents for a mini-bike and, sure enough, that Christmas my wish was granted.  It was right about that time that I dedicated my life to following Christ.  Unfortunately, throughout my younger days, I spent more time chasing after things that this world had to offer than I did following Christ.  But God in His mercy and grace has a way of bringing back those that He loves into fellowship with Him.

September 20th 2008 was a day that changed my life and that of my wife, Sue, forever.  While sitting at a stoplight on my bike, an elderly man rear-ended me.  I am so very thankful that Sue was not riding with me that day, but Jesus was!  As a result of that accident I am now paralyzed from the waist down.  The medical reports state that I suffered no brain injury, but when people see me riding motorcycles again they believe I was a miss-diagnosed. 

Through the dark and trying days that followed the accident, God has time and time again showed Himself faithful.  What I thought was going to be a life ending disappointment has truly turned into a life changing “Divine Appointment”.  The enemy of our soul, Satan, may have tried to take me out but God has used it to take me up.

Genesis 50:20 you intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives. (NIV)

Ed Berringer 2In 2015 God had laid it on my heart that it was now time to pursue my passion and start a motorcycle ministry.  At 58 years of age, paralyzed from the waist down, God used me to start Fellowship Riders – White Horse M/M – Greater Johnstown Christian Fellowship.  From my first encounter with Ron Kidwell, president of FRI, I realized that this was a God connection.

In just the short amount of time that I have been involved with FRI, God has opened up doors of ministry to the lost, the hurting, the sick, and the less fortunate around us.  Honestly, I believe that God has called me to this ministry to encourage others in the midst of life’s disappointments to turn to God and focus on what you have left, not on what you have lost.

In December Ron contacted me and asked if I would prayerfully consider serving on the Board of Directors.   After discussing this opportunity with Sue and prayer, I was humbled and honored to accept.  As God leads, I will faithfully pray for Ron Kidwell, the Directors, and all Fellowship Riders affiliates as we obey His Word and “go into all the world ‘Powered by Christ’ and make disciples.”

To God be the Glory!


Brian HurdleBrian Hurdle

Board Member
Trailhead Church, Graham, NC

[email protected] 

In 1979, 2 weeks before Christmas, my life had spiraled out of control and I had drifted into drugs and alcohol.  After a weekend of partying, I woke up on Sunday morning very restless and discontent… I longed for peace in my life and I had none. I went to the old Baptist Church where I had grown up and after the message, I knelt down with the pastor and received Christ. 

A year later, at a friend’s Bible Study, the Lord reunited me with my wife, Linda, who had attended the same church where I had accepted the Lord.  We had both divorced and recently recommitted our lives to serving the Lord and have been married 35 years.  Ordained as a minister in 2002, Linda and I have served in Children’s Ministry, Prison Ministry, Community Outreach and Evangelism, several new church start-ups, and Biker Ministry for 15 years; the past 6 years through Fellowship Riders.  Although retired from Fire Captain/EMT duties, I serve as chaplain for local Red Knights Firefighters Motorcycle Club, a Director for Fellowship Riders, Inc., and am in the process of starting a new Fellowship Riders motorcycle ministry at Trailhead Church in Graham, NC.

Linda and I believe Jesus Christ is the only way a person can receive true peace, forgiveness, and the God-ordained plan for their lives…

Brian Hurdle, Director
Fellowship Riders – Alamance County, NC