Fellowship Riders News
2012 Founder’s Day – Summit Meeting
Journey to the Llano Estacado
As advertised, the journey to the Spirit Ranch in Lubbock, TX was a time of fellowship and fun with terrific weather and an exercise in “nuclear physicular science” as we attempted to get into the Guinness Book of World Records with flying Brassica Oleracea. Due to the rigid requirements for a World Record and the sloping landing zone, our efforts did not result in a record; however; that dream has not died. Continue reading
Improved Communcation with Affiliates
The Board of Directors is working to improve communications with Fellowship Riders affiliates using Facebook and an improved Blog. In addition, we are moving to distribute a newsletter to share knowledge, experiences, and encouragement to our affiliates. For these efforts to be successful it will require participation and responses by affiliates and their riders. There is a huge resource of “how to”, fresh ideas, and testimonies residing within the affiliate groups that would benefit us all in the work of Kingdom ministry. We ask you help us as we seek to add resources and increased support to all Fellowship Riders affiliates by sharing and participating to greater impact our riders, churches, and communities for the cause of Christ.
Ron Kidwell, President
Fellowship Riders, Inc.
Powered by Christ
Let’s welcome our new East Coast Regional Director
Welcome to our Newest Board Member
John Allen, East Coast Regional Director
John and his wife Carol love motorcycle riding throughout the year. Having lived in several parts of the country due to positions with the government, they have had abundant opportunity to meet many folks on the road and to share Christ with all that will listen. They currently live in Shepherdstown, WV and lead the Homeward Messengers Fellowship Rider Group. John also serves as Elder within the Homeward Calling Ministry, a Home Church Ministry in Charles Town, WV.
John and Carol are excited about what the Lord is doing in Homeward Calling Ministry. They recently completed another year of Angel Tree Ministry with the Messenger Group and look forward to future opportunities during the New Year in this area. They have also partnered with a Chapter of Angel Food Ministry in nearby Spring Mills, WV. “God is faithful and we are renewed each day with His loving kindness and mercy and look forward to new friends and ministry opportunities wherever He leads us.
Keeping it Simple
“Keeping it Simple” Homeward Calling Ministry Charles Town, WV

Good friends, open roads, a beautiful sunny day and the joyof serving Jesus Christ while riding a motorcycle…does it get any better than this, short of heaven?
What a blessed year Homeward Calling Ministry (HWC) has had! We are a Home Church Ministry located in Charles Town, WV. The first thing you might ask is, “what is a home church and what is it all about.” Here is a basic explanation. Continue reading
From the desk of Mr. Clean
“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. You are a child of God. Playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that others won’t feel insecure around you. We were all meant to shine as children do. We were born to manifest the glory of God that is within us. It’s not just in some of us; it is in all of us. And as we let our own light shine we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same, as we are liberated from our own fear our presence automatically liberates others. These are powerful words that could be brought to life by anyone of us in this Motorcycle Ministry called Fellowship Riders! Continue reading
Randy Stuart
This week the Lord took our brother in Christ Randy Stuart home to be with him
This week the Lord took our brother in Christ Randy Stuart home to be with Him. Randy was a special kind of guy. He was fun, laid back, and always, always there to help when someone needed it. To me, this was the one thing that made him seem to stand out. He would step up when we needed him and never griped or complained to anyone. Getting it done seemed to be his focus. I for one am honored to have known him and his wife Delena.
Please keep him and his loved ones in your prayers as we will miss him terribly. Continue reading
Living Faith Fellowship Riders, Torrington, CT
We are very excited and honored to be an affiliate with Fellowship Riders. I was looking for a group we could hook up with that had a heart for the local church, and there you were a perfect match for us here at Living Faith Christian Center in Torrington, CT. Continue reading
2009 Founders: The Foundry Fellowship Riders
Since our beginning, I have seen a growing love of serving our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Thru Him we continue to serve His children and our brothers. We have had people join and or ride with our group in all stages of a relationship with Jesus Christ. Through Him and the love of riding motorcycles, I have witnessed in myself and others a spiritual growth that is wonderful. Continue reading