Light Up The Hills Rally : July 6-9, 2017
Light Up The Hills Rally
July 6-9, 2017
Buffalo Chip Campground
Sturgis, South Dakota
As each day draws us closer to the inaugural rally, the Lord has brought together a group to petition Almighty God to do those things which only He can do. In our prayer gathering, a word was given that we are to pray that Adonai; Blessed be He; would open a spiritual door – a portal from the Throne of The Most High – through which He will pour out His anointing in power on those in attendance and over this community that has seen the Adversary exalt iniquity and wickedness as desirable, as pleasurable, as the good life. There have been other words the Spirit has given; a “sacred assembly”, “light up the darkness”, “consecrate the land”, “leave the fragrance of righteousness as a stench in the nostrils of Satan”; and I am sure He will continue to share His purposes for what He gave as a vision for Christian motorcycle ministries to join in battle and reclaim what the Enemy of our souls has stolen for “all Creation is Mine, says the Lord.”
I encourage you to make plans to come and bring one other person; possibly one who does not know Jesus as Lord – or – one who needs to renew the excitement of their “first love”; and to set this “holy convocation” before Adonai; Blessed be He; in your prayers as we seek to be obedient to what He imparted in a vision for those whom He has called to use their motorcycles as “ministry tools” for His Kingdom. Register at or make a tax-deductible contribution to enlist in this work.
Come ready to invite and welcome the presence of The Most High, to meet and partner with others of our family of Believers in Yeshua HaMashiach (Jesus the Messiah), to engage in spiritual warfare to cleanse the land, to enjoy the refreshing and renewal of riding through His wonderful Creation, and to return resolved to share salvation found only in Jesus to all whom He will place in your path.
To Him be all glory, honor, and praise. See you in Sturgis…
Ron Kidwell, President
Fellowship Riders, Inc.
[email protected]